Saturday, March 10, 2012

A haiku a day...

Lost in translation,
so we give up, sip beer and
enjoy life in France.

Booming fireworks,
bright lights, river reflections,
explosive welcome.

Dimanche en France, so
let's amble to market, rain
can't dampen my day.

Two new friends for me
outside the épicerie;
chat et coccinelle.

After wine and cheese,
talk turns to tortoises, what
strange little creatures.

Furniture failure,
bureaucracy at the bank,
wednesday blues mean beer.

All day long shivers
dart up and down my spine, cold
creeps into my bones.

Ummmm, re-reading this weeks haikuus as I type has made me realise that there are quite a lot of references to wine and beer! haha! Next week I will try and be more sober in my poetry. Lets just say a wee drink every now and then has been helping smooth the transition into France when our attempts to find cheap furniture have repeatedly met with failure....

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