Friday, November 25, 2011

A haiku a day...

Un peu de variété cette semaine - I had a go at writing some of my haikus in French during my trip as I was somewhat immersed in a French-speaking bubble and was inspired to give it a go. French words certainly present a different syllabic challenge to English and it was fun to write something short and yet restrictive in a foreign language. So I'm sorry if you don't speak French - perhaps they'll seem more poetic that way anyhow, haha! Anyway, enjoy...

Les rues de Paris,

sont longues mais jolies, en me

perdant, je me trouve.

Matin à Paris,

Seule dans un café charmant,
j'attends tant de choses.

A thousand fireflies
dance, glimmers of magic light

up our happy night.


Miles of misty fields,

between here and home, betwixt
two worlds am i now.

Through thick morning fog,
I spy a buzzard and crow,
deep in discussion.

Gloomy November

weather-wise, but in spirit

I'm sunny as June.

Night arrives early,
Pressed up against my window,
Its cold eyes peer in.


Language: alchemy,
verbs and nouns join together,
to create whole worlds.

p.s. I just realised that this post marks 4 months of writing a haiku everyday! I'm so pleased I've kept it up and now have a little insight into a moment of every day since mid-July :)

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